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Drill & Instructional Videos

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Drill & Instructional Videos

FREE • Unlimited access to in-depth instructional sessions and drill sets to address any problem

  • Every Drill has a specific purpose. Make sure you know what it is and why you are doing it.

  • Perform all drills with proper balance and posture.

  • Intermix normal swings (live arm if possible) to begin incorporating the drill "FEEL" into your game swing.

  • Most of the Drills are performed using a Tee or dry swings. Many can also be performed with side or front toss to incorporate a sense of rhythm and timing.

REMEMBER: The Best drill for hitters is "Live Arm" batting practice mixing up pitch type, velocity, and location.

Movement Sequence - Mechanics

Drills and Instruction to help understand and feel and sequential steps from stance to finish.

Movement Sequence - Mechanics

Drills and Instruction to help understand and feel and sequential steps from stance to finish.

Please help support the Diamond Players Recruits ongoing operations and free recruiting services. 25% of every donated dollar will be paid out each year to deserving student-athletes on their way to the "Next Level" of competition and academics.

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